What is needed to fix this crisis is job security, and the only way to create that is by creating jobs. If the president really wanted to kick-start the economy, he would have announced a government program to directly hire the unemployed, by both the federal government and state and local governments (through block grants to the states), which would put people to work right now as teachers’ aides, park workers, school crossing guards, library assistants, companions for the elderly, city and rural clean-up crews, housing renovation project workers, mural painters, etc. Millions of out-of-work people could be put productively to work with far fewer dollars than what is about to be shoveled out to contractors to construct or repair bridges and highways a year or more from now. |
Friday, February 27, 2009
It's the lack of jobs, not the lack of lending
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Clean coal harnesses the awesome power of the word "clean"
Thanks to the Coen Brothers for harnessing their awesome powers for good.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Popular explosions are inevitable
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"What has Wall Street given up?"
When asked another loaded question about what unions are willing to give up, Mr. Bernero "snaps" and calls the interviewer out on the assumptions built into his question. "Why do working Americans always have to be the ones who make concessions?" he asks. "What has Wall Street given up?" Indeed.
Send him a note of support here: http://www.lansingmi.gov/mayor/contact_us.jsp
The bloated, Blagojevich-esque Faux "newsman" tries to maintain "decorum" (the same decorum that cringes when the word "fuck" is painted on the napalm we plan to drop on women and kids) by steering the mayor back to his loaded question about salaries, and the mayor will have none of it. Good for him.
No more playing nice guys, folks. The people on Wall Street need to feel the extent of our pain. I suggest we help them come to an understanding by eating their livers with a nice chianti.
Welcome to the Casino at the End of the World
The people in power are either nitwits or manipulating an opportunity to profit further
Either the people in power in Washington and the financial community are total dimwits or they are manipulating an opportunity to redistribute wealth from taxpayers, equity owners and pension funds to the financial sector. |
Monday, February 23, 2009
"The average American used to be able to borrow to buy a home, send their kids to a good school... A lot of that is gone."
Olympian toker's gold medals dispel drug war mythology
“If 14 gold medals aren’t enough to prove that marijuana users can achieve success and shouldn't be scrutinized, what will it take to break the stigma?” “The situation reeks of hypocrisy,” the petition states. “More than one hundred million Americans have smoked marijuana at least once in their lives (including the president, former presidents, members of Congress and justices on the Supreme Court). Smoking marijuana is not unusual behavior and you shouldn't hold Phelps to a higher standard.” |
Obama's no-brainer: Reduce the deficit by raising taxes on the wealthy
The big question: What will the near future look like, and what will be its impact on the long-term viability of H. sapiens?
Ultimately, it is a question of whether the great depth of our Madness will carry us into a final conflict with biophysical reality – a madman flaying at imaginary demons while being tormented by a disinterested reality to which he is blind – or will we come again into the wind and the rain, into the seasons, cycles and other realities of earthly existence? My sensible reason answers that the Madness will dominate the final days of this iteration of my species, that over the next 30 to 80 years we will cling to the most misguided and defeating self-referenced notions of reality until an enraged environment indiscriminately smites the living world – and we will still behave badly even in the ruins of our world. But my capacity of imagination and wonder believes, in the way that the consciousness order designs impossible ‘possibilities,’ that we can come to see the madness and demand its retreat; the way that smokers now have to hide next to the dumpster in the back of the building. |
Disarm the police, not the citizens
Police seldom, if ever, prevent a crime. Their job is to appear after a crime is committed and to investigate with a view to identifying the perpetrator. A large number of careful studies show that private gun ownership prevents far more crimes than police ever solve. Criminals are routinely deterred, apprehended, and sometimes killed, by armed private citizens. In contrast, police, especially the notorious SWAT teams, accidentally kill more law abiding citizens than they do criminals. If anyone should be disarmed, it is the police. When police become militarized, as they increasingly are in the US, their attitude toward the public changes from protective to hostile. Militarized SWAT teams have established a record of showing up at the wrong address. |
Friday, February 20, 2009
Associating a chimp with a black man isn't racist, and only a nigger would think so
"The rate will be determined by adding 26.15% to the Prime rate."
Thursday, February 19, 2009
“Too big to fail” should mean “too big to exist.”
So for the record: When they are too big to fail, enforce already existing antitrust legislation to break 'em into manageable, not-too-big-to-fail pieces.
Follow-up: Last night on MSNBC, Jim Cramer specifically mentioned the size and complexity of these banks as reason #1 for why they should not be de jure) nationalized. (I say de jure since the banks have already been de facto nationalized, seeing as how they are running purely on taxpayer money.) To my way of thinking, that is precisely why they need to be smashed into dozens of smaller banks.
Economic patriotism?
It is particularly ironic that the same "conservatives" who are now behind the "economic patriotism" (i.e., the "fuck Americans") doctrine were the rabid supporters of WalMart's "Made in the USA" campaign of the 1980s.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue said that buying abroad was “economic patriotism.” |
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Debts that can't be paid, won't be
The U.S. economy cannot “inflate its way out of debt,” because this would collapse the dollar and end its dreams of global empire by forcing foreign countries to go their own way. There is too little manufacturing to make the economy more “competitive,” given its high housing costs, transportation, debt and tax overhead. The aim is to re-inflate property markets to enable owners to pay the banks, not to help the public sector break even. One would think that politicians would be willing to do the math and realize that debts that can’t be paid, won’t be. But the debts are being kept on the books, continuing to extract interest to pay the creditors that have made the bad loans. The resulting debt deflation threatens to keep the economy in depression until a radical shift in policy occurs – a shift to save the “real” economy, not just the financial sector and the wealthiest 10 per cent of American families. |
Christianists take note: "We are no longer a Christian nation, if we ever were."
When will these shitheads learn that just because an "overwhelming majority of Americans identify as Christians" does not mean that the US is a Christian country? The entire purpose of the First Amendment is to protect minority dissenters (like TJ the deist) from the tyranny of a Christianist majority.
Not everyone was happy with President Barack Obama's nod to nonbelievers and non-Christians in his inaugural address. "We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers." With that one line, the president "seems to be trying to redefine American culture, which is distinctively Christian," said’ Bishop E.W. Jackson of the Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Va. "The overwhelming majority of Americans identify as Christians, and what disturbs me is that he seems to be trying to redefine who we are.’" Jackson said he and others have no problem acknowledging that "this country is one in which everybody has the freedom to think what they want.’" Yet Obama crossed the line, in his view, in suggesting that all faiths (and none) were different roads to the same destination: "He made similar remarks in the campaign, and said, 'We are no longer a Christian nation, if we ever were. We are a Jewish, Hindu and non-believing nation.'" |
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Latin American commission: The War on (Some) Drugs is a failure
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The choice we face
We have come to the moment when the Officer (the biophysical reality) is demanding that we choose between our present values and beliefs and others with which we are less familiar or comfortable, but which offer the possibility of sustaining the present designs of our living planet. Much of what we know and love (in my view, pathologically) will have to go. Much that is new and difficult will have to be confronted. Making a choice that does not doom us will be the trick. |
Credit expansion can't replace good working class incomes
The Reagan Revolution /Great Restoration/New Democrats strategy of relying on credit expansion to fill the demand hole caused by heightened fucking of the working class is now at its final — and completely logical — end. Either we start to reverse the basic class-fuck from above, or this depression continues to deepen. |
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Mother of fourteen perfect mirror of national delusions
Have you actually watched the interview with this woman? She is USAmerican delusion condensed into a single human form --- thinking that if she just "believes" enough and "applies" herself enough that she can manage to support FOURTEEN children on ONE income --- at exactly the same time that the US economy has decided to sublimate.
Synchronicity is amazing, isn't it? At exactly the same time that our unsustainable national delusions (e.g., shop your way to savings) have begun to collapse around (and on top) of us, we see in the mirror of our national consciousness a single person who embodies the profligacy and thoughtlessness of the herd.
What particularly irks me is that, instead of using inadvertent public figures like her as a mirror for the national unconscious, we pillory them and pat ourselves on the back for how much better we are.
Folks, if you supported Bush's policies of the last eight years or persist in the belief that permanent growth is beneficial, or even possible, then you are little different from Ms. Suleman in fundamental matters. Reality is reality, regardless of what we believe or wish to be true. One cannot spend one's way to savings, cut taxes while increasing spending, or regard having fourteen children as a "risk" one has to take to follow one's dreams.
Her mental illness is our culture.
Higher education increasingly unaffordable
Yep. Just a coincidence.
"The nation's colleges and universities have become less affordable for students and their families since the early 1990s," said the report. "This year continues the trend in deteriorating college affordability in the majority of states." |
Decrease in real income, culture of militarism underly USAmerican economic woes
US policymakers have ignored the fact that consumer demand in the 21st century has been driven, not by increases in real income, but by increased consumer indebtedness. This fact makes it pointless to try to stimulate the economy by bailing out banks so that they can lend more to consumers. The American consumers have no more capacity to borrow. Unless US corporations can be required to use American labor to produce the goods and services that they sell in American markets, there is no hope for the US economy. No one in the Obama administration has the wits to address this problem. Thus, the economy will continue to implode. The unreality in which he US government operates is beyond belief. A bankrupt government that cannot pay its bills without printing money is rushing headlong into wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. |
Electronic run on the banks
"It would have been the end of our political system and our economic systems as we know it."