Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Decrease in real income, culture of militarism underly USAmerican economic woes

US policymakers have ignored the fact that consumer demand in the 21st century has been driven, not by increases in real income, but by increased consumer indebtedness.  This fact makes it pointless to try to stimulate the economy by bailing out banks so that they can lend more to consumers.  The American consumers have no more capacity to borrow.
Unless US corporations can be required to use American labor to produce the goods and services that they sell in American markets, there is no hope for the US economy.  No one in the Obama administration has the wits to address this problem.  Thus, the economy will continue to implode.
The unreality in which he US government operates is beyond belief.  A  bankrupt government  that cannot pay its bills without printing money is rushing headlong into wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. 
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