I'll be so happy when Bill O'Reilly is dead. One less belligerent boor clamoring for attention. Good to see that Barney Frank was willing to stand up to him and tell him the truth. He's a ranting, boorish, stupid bully who needs to have that fact pointed out to him on every occasion. Hopefully someone will point it out to him with a .22 to the occiput.
FRANK: Bill, here's the problem with going on your show. You start ranting. And the only way to respond is almost to look as boorish as you.
FRANK: You think toughness is yelling and ranting and trying to bully. It's not going to work with me. FRANK: .(INAUDIBLE) right now. I didn't say solid, I didn't say swell. You distort consistently. And you think ranting and raving.
FRANK: You are the most -- you don't listen at all, or maybe you are listening or you're too dumb to understand. O'REILLY: Congressman, thanks very much. We got to run. |
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