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Minimum Wage Philosopher Two: The Sequel
Because paying attention costs nothing
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The "angry Leftist" monkey returns!
Rather than e-mail my friends whenever I come across a news story that is particularly interesting and/or infuriating, I'm going to post it here for the whole world to ignore.
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Thom Foolery
I have too many interests for a finite lifespan.
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Blog Archive
Jump! You Fuckers!
Fighting the Wall Street bailout: General strike?
McDonalds: Self-preserving non-food
Sarah Palin: Nothing short of frightening
F*** You (What's on her mind?)
Obama to hold "townhall meeting" in lieu of debate...
Protesting preachers: More political clout for con...
Nader on the bailout
Economic meltdown: Just let the markets crash? Is ...
McCain economic meltdown proposal: More deregulati...
The Netherlands: Tobacco a no-no, grass A-OK
Bingo! Help the economy by helping the people losi...
The Subprime Primer
Debt expansion and forgiveness: Bring the Jubilee
"Suspending" campaign: Not smart
Desperate and reckless: typical John McCain
Detonating hot dogs: More silliness in the "War on...
Wall Street's misfortune could spread? What do you...
The Wall Street "bailout" rewritten as a blackmail...
Socialize debt, privatize profits
Bailing out Wall Street and the collapse of the do...
Ron Jacobs to Wall Street: Bail your own selves out.
Guillotines, not billions, for the bankers and the...
Infantilized by the rhetoric of crisis
Prison time, not bailouts, for those who got us in...
Prediction: The 2010s will be like the 1930s
A sane response to the banking crisis
The beginning of the end for the dollar as the wor...
Economic meltdown: Bin Laden victorious?
Terror and security: More theatre than substance
Juan Cole: A Nation of Masochists
Bailout: The words that go unmentioned
Hijacking Catastrophe
Sarah Palin: The Barometer of the country's degrad...
An explanation of the subprime crisis
"Communist" China and "free market" USA: Separated...
Palin: A strange blending of evangelical Christian...
Big Finance: Regulation needed urgently, if it isn...
Disposable heroes of our hypocrisy
The secret crimes of the Bush administration
Hackers access Palin's "private" e-mails, Republic...
Stick a fork in us, we're done
Chalk up another win for excess deregulation
Walking in someone else's shoes: This is what a si...
The grim good news regarding economic collapse
Stan Goff on the Christian soldier's responsibility
A country that had intelligent leaders would... sl...
Straight Talk Express driver spills the beans
Vote Nurglon in 2008
Naked competition taking care of all ills
The biggest political rally in the history of the ...
We've seen this movie before folks
Damon on Palin: A bad Disney movie
The profound mental illness of the quasi-privilege...
On opponents and enemies
USA bids adios to reason
The end of the American dream
America's double standard on religion and politics
The danger of lacking an inner dimension
The Republicans and 9/11: Cashing in on malfeasanc...
USAmericans have ceased taking ourselves seriously...
International poll: Obama preferred to McCain by m...
If McCain wins, anti-Americanism will increase
Palin: Ignorance + "decisiveness" = a disqualifyin...
"Third party" candidates recognize failing America...
Hot Shit: Turning poop into power and profit
"Much American consumption is wasteful and contrib...
Terrorism Watch 101: Keep an eye on your neighbor'...
Repugnant: Republicans to challenge voters who've ...
More War on Terror stupidity
Need to remove yourself from the no-fly list? Easy...
The environment eventually intrudes to make the ir...
Who cares about who's caring for their flags?
Dumbed-down electorate and biased journalism don't...
Note to Obama --- you need the anti-war votes
Banning Salvia: The next stupid salvo in the War o...
Democrats reluctant to pounce, "good manners" on d...
McCain: Reckless, impetuous, hot-tempered, and one...
"Please, America, elect Barack Obama. On behalf of...
"We are so screwed."
Are polls showing a McCain lead rooted in bad meth...
McCain campaign sinks to new low, Obama needs to g...
Republicans: Telling bald-faced lies because they can
Essence of Colbert to be digitized, shot into spac...
When you talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk
Fannie and Freddie buyout one more Republican ploy?
The police seemed especially intent on singling ou...
Electronic voting unsafe even with paper trail
They call themselves mavericks. Whoa.
Nowtopia: Building the new world in the shell of t...
The final dumbing down and ruralization of the Rep...
All it costs us is language, the ability to have r...
St. Paul is a window into our future
It was good enough for the founding fathers
Values for display purposes only
"We will have our first Christian mayor."
The responsibility lies with we the people
RFID - Revolution or panopticon?
Mad Magazine on McCain and Palin
Truth = objectivity = American-exceptionalist inte...
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